Player canna8592 posted a message on 14/09 09:19 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: It's not great.. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  It's not great.
14/09/2010 09:19:45

EH yes too much difference in scoring between some games, e. g: à scratch ifoux the1st manages to count in 15 Rounds 1327 points, because in this game no conversion of points you scratch and you win the totality but this is not the case in yam's where all the scores of each Round are divided by 6 ex if you win 295 you have 47 ,or if you make 372 you have 59 etc;;;;;; so why when the Box 400 with scratches appears you win 400 ,too many points difference compared to the different games, it would be necessary to review some games that do not have the advantage of points compared to others it would be logical and there really MadWin can talk about balanced scores

17/09/2010 22:45:28

🙋 A

group of wolves is a horde. A group of cows is a herd. A group of men is often a bunch of assholes. Philippe Geluck (the cat)

17/09/2010 22:18:28

A small dedication! 🌹 "Beware

of fools, they are more dangerous than wolves."
René Barjavel (Les Dames à la Licorne)

17/09/2010 21:39:02

Claudie92 ,the wolf eats: large game (elk, reindeer, deer,......) and small game (gibier🙁le hare, birds, mice) and if food is scarce from insects and even berries.........(goats, sheep and chickens) which rarely happen and more generally by young inexperienced wolves who get lost in the pack, that's why sometimes they attack the for the chickens, it's rather the domain of the foxes who approach the hen houses so I risk nothing with 2loup1 who is human??? (maybe) hihihihi

Good evening Lalili 🎤 I

am human so I have nothing to fear for you 😂 Moreover, there has never been a wolf attack against man!

But I have a very great admiration AND respect for the canis lupus 🙁y): Very

good summary but it is wrong to say that a whole pack of wolves attacks an entire herd of sheep. A pack of wolves isolates and attacks only a weak, sick beast etc....

Before shouting "wolf", it should be obvious that the attacks are not the work of wolves but of rambling dogs that attack herds for the sole pleasure of hunting and by emulation when they are in a pack, unlike wolves who take animals to feed themselves.

To meditate on for all anti-wolves 😈 Have a good

evening 🙋

17/09/2010 17:04:28

Congrats lalili, some people feel like they know everything but it's not the case and agree with you for the games ,why go Play games that are not funny at all or you just have to scratch to get a lot of points I also tested the 2 just like Raphi but I'll start Play again in yam despite the few points it brings because at least it's more fun than scratching,and so much for the points ,but lalili I understand you and it's still frustrating ,because this game some time ago ,was very nice and since they changed the concept; we row,too bad they don't revise the concept,good luck lalili and if all the dissatisfied people did like you in the forum it might move.

good games

17/09/2010 16:43:16

Claudie92 ,the wolf eats: large game (elk, reindeer, deer,......) and small game (gibier🙁le hare, birds, mice) and if food is scarce from insects and even berries.........(goats, sheep and chickens) which rarely happen and more generally by young inexperienced wolves who get lost in the pack, that's why sometimes they attack the for the chickens, it's rather the domain of the foxes who approach the hen houses so I risk nothing with 2loup1 who is human??? (maybe) hihihihi

16/09/2010 13:01:14

Anyway, a wolf only eats goats or chickens..... Lalili is none of those things! (Lol)

16/09/2010 12:15:30

say wolf you have after lalili ,I never post yet on the forum and I find that ,ok you exaggerate ,ok she has the right to express herself and you to answer her but before attacking her you only know if her words are unfounded because she has been playing on MadWin

for a
long time

I have nothing against lalili as you think ! 😵 We only exchanged opinions without any attack.

Have a good day at 🙋

16/09/2010 11:40:11

Agree with you letotophe and after checking all the scores in 1st position this morning at 11:20 am of All Games , it is the yam's which arrives in last position with the 1st at 1993 Points and in stronger nonoss with 12385 Points and moreover, All Games scratch game card games exceed more than 3000 Points and that in 3 days of games it's normal to see differences in winnings from one game to another but I understand lalili, she's the yam's that she likes and finds it a pity that the scores obtained in a Round are divided by 6, ( scratch games = real earnings there is no conversion ex: solo scratching; 1st 5450points;;; mars scratching 1er 4244pts; etc;;;; ;;so????? let's ask questions?????where is the balance?????

16/09/2010 11:30:39

excact for the flexible lamp that I exchanged for points because I already had it because with my points I had taken it as a prize when to the dvd rentals never could benefit from it because when I realized (diabloto gain) there was a deadline for use and alas this one was past, if I had known it at the time I certainly would have enjoyed it what was not the case

Bons games on MadWin

Hello lalili,

Sorry for you to learn that you could not enjoy DVD rental. We hope that your next winnings will bring you satisfaction 🙁y): Good

end of the day and good continuation on Madwin MadWin QuoVerbis QuoVerbis

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