Player mag97418 posted a message on 18/07 12:59 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: BOOSTERSRounds ON THE Cash Planet GAME. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players - Page 2

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Subject :  BOOSTERSRounds ON THE Cash Planet GAME
22/07/2011 18:35:45

Historically, the shuttle was only valid for one week..... Maybe the changes that have taken place have not been done properly... I think it is:

- they forgot to extend the validity period for the boosters when they increased the shuttle

's validity period - or they forgot to change the rules of the game after their changes

Only the web can give us the end of the story (and it would be nice if it did!!!!!)

19/07/2011 13:30:14

πŸ™‹ thank

you very much Lapinkausangvert, my account history only goes back to 16/07/11 too, but after writing to customer service a few days ago, they told me that my last boosters Rounds won thanks to the bonus boosters go back to June 30, 2011, and I know that bonuses have been discovered in the meantime ( but have gone unnoticed at home.
is that there must be a problem somewhere ,πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ well a

little message to Web : some explanations would be welcome πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

19/07/2011 13:20:09

πŸ™‹ Mag,

I have an active shuttle (which I had forgotten) but my account history't go very far, until 16.07.11. On the other hand, no booster round offered thanks to this game during this period and for the previous days, I don't remember it either 😒😒 The web will

perhaps enlighten us πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 🌹🌹

19/07/2011 13:10:21

πŸ™‹ Oops
there is a big gap in the messages so excuse me for repeating the same thing as you or repeating myself!!!!!! πŸ˜” I'm
not used to it, but I will!
Majovo, thank you, I see that we understood the same things
I'm leaving now to do a little mail to customer
service and we'll see!

19/07/2011 06:08:00

Extract from the Cash Planet rules:
- Your Shuttle is valid for 3650 days. It is therefore kept from one Grid to another during this period. However, if you reach the end of its validity date, you will not be able to Play again until you cash it in/out.
It's been 10 years!!!!!!!!😲 Observation

of the day:

Round Started
on 17/07/11 at 20:50:48 Booster bonus

discovered by:

Well, nothing on my account this morning!!!!!!!!!

18/07/2011 19:51:56

In the game rules, it says that the shuttle is valid for 3650 days, yes 3650, or 10 years!
Quite an optimism!
For fans of booster rounds, it is therefore enough to leave an active shuttle and pick up the booster rounds for 10 years... without comment.
Mag, if there were booster bonuses, then you should have gotten them.
Have a good evening

18/07/2011 17:27:15

πŸ™‹ The

date and time indicated are a copy/paste that I made on the cash Cash Planet gameCash Planet so no mistake on my part!
Moreover, I don't think that a shuttle is only active for 16 days, because my last Rounds played were on July 2, 2011.
Lapinhausangvert, could you, if you have a moment to see if your boosters Rounds are credited to you maybe by looking at your game account history.
Thanks again to all of you

18/07/2011 16:36:53

πŸ™‹ I

confirm the mag statements since I had the same date, at least the same year for this same game.

I can't confirm if I had booster rounds or not because I didn't check at the right time in my account history, and having had booster rounds thanks to the mysteries ofEldorado I remember asking myself the same question.

However, in accordance with the rules, these Rounds are still relevant.

Web will come and enlighten us πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 🌹

18/07/2011 16:25:21

thanks for the interest shown in my questions
about my shuttle here is what is written: : :
I have a Cash Planet bonus for this shuttle and the following
: This Shuttle must be validated before 28/06/2021 at 08:02:30

I don't know if it means it's active !!!
Besides, how to know if it is active?

I try to Play it regularly (as soon as I buy credits) my last Rounds Cash Planet date from 01 and 02 July 2011

is if it can help you to help me πŸ™‚
Here, your bag is certainly full but it is July 18... June 28, 2021?????? I think it's more like 2011! Either you made a mistake or it's a display error.

18/07/2011 14:26:17

Thank you for the interest shown in my questions
about my shuttle here is what it says: :
I have a Cash Planet bonus for this shuttle and the following:
This shuttle must be validated before 28/06/2021 at 08:02:30

I don't know if it means it's active !!!!
how to know if it is active?

I try to Play it regularly (as soon as I buy credits) my last Rounds Cash Planet are dated 01 and 02 July 2011

here is if it can help you to help me πŸ™‚

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