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Player ziefta posted a message on 05/07 12:27 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: challenges. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players - Page 2
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you have to go to theWinners" section, thenchallenges" section and be very patient to read the whole list , it's true that it would be better if it was sorted by earnings
Could you tell us where we can find the list of jackpot Winners? Would that only be forchallengespublicchallenges"? Indeed, we can see those who win points but nowhere is it displayed those who win the jackpot..........?🙋?
I agree with you, I understand that not everyone can win the sums but at least who increases the number of points because 100 or 200 c pathetic dc me I say 500for the 2nd 1000 for the 1st finally j c not something like that ,here it is after I think I'm not the only one who thought that, but well I'll keep playing .go bye and good luck to all 🙋
Norel10, I know it's not much to win 200 points when you win a challenge but can you imagine if every player who comes first won the amount put in the game the site would close its doors! It's the same How it Works as TV games, the famous numbers you call to win 2000 eruros or more, millions call but only one wins! That's why I don't do any more challenges and since then I've started to up for grabs ! some points again, less than before but still the pleasure of Play!
Hi to all of you I find it wrong to make the win system for the challenges because it says who has to be 1st so we struggle to be 1st and in the end we win 100 or 200 points all that because we do a draw ,so I don't think it would be necessary to find ideas to submit to them for them to think about it ,here's thanks to all and I hope !THE WEBMASTER will see this message, voila and low bye bye bye to all ,good games and especially a lot of good luck tchussssssssssssssssss..........
very distracted at this time by the challenges, especially the yam, I sometimes do not finish them, I quit before ! too bad, I lose points, but I will catch up later.
Congrats 0 ALL THOSE WHO approach the 500 § pr ma part up to 390 or even 410 ! a lot of "work" to do !