Player kywy posted a message on 07/12 16:23 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: transfer of madpoints?. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  transfer of madpoints?
02/06/2009 20:05:19

Good evening,

I managed to transfer the points from MadLotto to MadWin 😃

28/04/2009 07:50:20


I tried to convert my points (100,000, whereas according to the Rules and Regulations, conversion should be possible from 100 points...)
I am told that the MadWin account does not belong to me (surname, first name, address and email are however identical).
The customer service contacted replied that the conversion window is not active and try again later.
In short, be patient....

Have a good day

18/04/2009 08:12:22

I just went to MadLotto to transfer his points you need to have between 100 000 and 1 000 000 points.

22/03/2009 19:26:07

in MadLotto you go to the Prizes section and there you will see the conversion window.

Apparently it is only possible to transfer in increments of 1 million points (no less) to the site of your choiceMadWin, CadoVillage and QuoVerbis).

13/03/2009 12:49:54

I hope to have this faith an answer... where is the conversion showcase. In addition I expect a dcv gain since the month of fervier it is still in validated state where is this gain that I look forward to.
Thank you in advance

24/12/2008 06:49:11

WebMaster wrote: : Hello🙋
yes : it's in

the conversion window and it's at the rate of 1:1 Good games !
The Web'

Yes, but you need exactly 1,000,000 points 😉 "The
amount entered for the conversion is incorrect
! The
amount must be between 1000000 and 1000000"

I have not yet reached this amount, so I can't say if the conversion works for this amount...

11/12/2008 16:32:58

Hello🙋 yes :

it's in the conversion window and it's at a rate of 1:1 Good

The Web'.

07/12/2008 16:23:14

Hello everyone,

Can I transfer MadLotto madpoints to MadWin,
Quo-verbis or CadoVillage?
And at what cost?

Thanks to you;-)

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