Player lamuche posted a message on 06/04 07:39 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: free rounds. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  free rounds
13/01/2020 01:25:58

Good evening everyone, I don't know if I'm in the right place, I'm asking my question I'll see, it won't be very long I have a recurring problem on my game Wonderz (Stan the hamster) my game works in slow motion I take some time to Round the rowing game, it's very unpleasant, is there anyone who can help me out, a big thank you in advance, see you soon, good night everyone 😎😍🐹🌼🌺πŸ₯πŸŽπŸ“

05/09/2019 21:41:32

Hello everyone,

I'm coming to MadWin , and like you, I'm already having a hard time leaving it!
Unfortunately I have a small problem, so if any of you can help me:
Here it is, although it is noted that I have 4 free rounds left each time I try to enter one of the games concerned I am told that I no longer have a free round !
Can you explain to me ?

Good games to you all....

08/04/2008 15:09:02


I've had the same problem a few times but it seems to me that the exact number of Round is the one that appears on the game page.

I think your problem had to solve itself because in my case it doesn't happen any more


08/04/2008 08:45:10


08/04/2008 03:46:09

Contact customer service, they'll probably give you your answer!

06/04/2008 07:39:47

Hello everyone,

I'm coming to MadWin, and like you I'm already having trouble leaving it!
Unfortunately I have a small problem, so if one of you can help me:
Here it is, although it is noted that I have 4 free rounds left each time I try to enter one of the games concerned I am told that I no longer have a free round!
Can you explain that to me?

Good games to all of you......

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