Player jacqueline440 posted a message on 14/03 23:47 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: alert o fish. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  alert o fish
21/03/2008 22:59:14

Thank you very much for your answers ñ but I think it's unfair I reached 65200 points and I only received 150 😕

21/03/2008 13:32:54

😉 In free rounds seems to me that the maximum is 150 mdp, after using credits the points are a lot more conséquents🤪

21/03/2008 11:36:30

😲 it
is 10,000, then 20,000 and 30,000.

14/03/2008 23:47:10

the calculation of points for each Round is unequal and not always logical, if you do 1000 you win 50, 2000 - 100, 3000 - 150, so the number is divided by 20 but above 3000 you still win 150, it is not logical because you lose points for the challenge |down|

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