Player pop50 posted a message on 18/01 03:34 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: The Topic Of Jokes. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players - Page 2

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Subject :  The Topic Of Jokes
22/01/2011 23:47:56

Good evening, Wolf! Good evening, Sunred! Good evening, everyone! πŸ™‹ "Two hunters are in the forest when one of them collapses. He seems to have stopped breathing and his eyes are glassy.

His panicked comrade calls the emergency services: "My friend is dead! What can I do about it? "The operator quietly answers: "Calm down. I can help you with that. First let's make sure he's dead."

A moment of silence, followed by a gunshot.

The hunter takes the handset back: "It's okay, now what? "

Good night! 🍸

Date of message edition 22/01/2011 23:49:50

22/01/2011 19:21:05

Good evening 2loup πŸ™‹ Good evening, you guys!

A Female comes into the kitchen and sees her husband with a fly swatter...
- What are you doing? What are you doing?
He answers:
- I hunt flies...
- Did you kill any of them?
- Yes, 3 males, 2 females
Intrigued, she asks him:
- How do you tell the difference between females and males?
He answers:
- 3 were on the beer can, 2 on the phone. 😎 all

good weekend to all. 🍸

21/01/2011 18:53:55

' llo 2loupπŸ™‹ ' llo all of you. ! two

three jokes before the weekend. 🀑 A husband

tells his wife Female they are very busy... Tell me,
darling, you could tell me when you have an orgasm.
- But, honey, you don't want me to call you at work!
🍻 We do not

say "police" but "hydrated epidermis" 🍻

returns from a meeting in Marseille, and sees on the roadside an Arab who has just had an accident, he is bloody and about to die. As he is in a day of kindness, Jean-Marie opens the back door, puts the injured person in the back seat and starts to go 180 to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. On the way, gendarmes on motorcycles chased him for a little excessive speed. Jean-Marie, concerned about the laws, stops in front of the gendarme. On his way to Jean-Marie, he glanced at the back seat and said:
- So Jean-Marie, we poach?

🍻 Counterfeiting

: The

tourist admires the Swiss coat of arms The
tourist admires the thigh hickies Γ± Good


20/01/2011 22:48:57

πŸ™‹ sunred Enjoy your

reading πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Two Belgians

are walking in the street. Suddenly, they see an animal droppings:
- Do you think it's dog shit?
- I don't know, taste it!
The other puts his finger in it and answers
- Yes, it seems fine
to me - Wait, I taste it too!
He puts his finger in it too and licks it carefully
- Yeah, that's dog
shit - Well, fortunately we didn't walk in it

It's happening in Belgium, in a bourgeois house. The maid (Belgian) is making dust in her boss's room while she puts make-up on in front of the hairdresser.
The Female finding a used condom under the bed:
- Oh well then once, that's disgusting then...
The lady of the house:
- But let's go Ginette, please... keep it right!
- Of course, ma'am... but it's still really disgusting once!
- All it takes is Ginette... so you never have sex in Belgium?
- Of course it is, ma'am... but not to the point of leaving the skin on!

Have a good evening 🍸🍸

20/01/2011 17:13:01


....It's two Swiss people walking around. Suddenly, one of them turns around
and crushes a snail. The other said,"But you're crazy.
- You bet, he's been following us for half an hour. 🀑 Have a good

end of the day.

19/01/2011 23:52:37

Good evening πŸ™‹ In

a supermarket, two guys shock each other head-on with their shopping carts.
Unworthy, one of them asks:
- Hey! Can't you be careful?
- Excuse me, I didn't see you. I was looking for my Female.
- Here! What a coincidence! I'm looking for mine too! And what is your Female like?
- Well, she is tall, brown, very deep blue eyes, extremely well-made legs, generous breasts, fleshy lips. She wears a very tight black suit with a low neckline, a little too much maybe, and a transparent blouse. And yours, how
is it?
- Oh, forget it! Let's go find yours...!

Good evening 🎀

18/01/2011 21:55:50

' llo,
let's go for the second:

Why were the four musketeers called
"The Three Musketeers"?

- Because Portos has not succeeded in renewing its residence permit.


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