Player fredmiko73 posted a message on 05/08 18:05 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: long sight bonus?. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  long sight bonus?
05/08/2011 18:05:24

Hello, what is the long sight bonus for?

24/01/2013 20:10:32

never even when reading the Rules and Regulations, I didn't understand how to see the five boxes !

if I connected correctly, don't Confirm before looking at the boxes !

thank you, I will visualize before Confirm !

good evening

16/04/2012 21:29:20

Good evening.
The long view bonus is used to Have a Look what is in the boxes, without opening them, and therefore does not debit your Rounds. Not validated, not credited.
It is up to you to identify the boxes that may interest you.
Good evening, cdlt.

15/04/2012 12:36:15

hello who can help me...when I click with my long view bonuses I see the points...but when I go to my pointsaccount history it is marked 0 for each Round...what should I do?

08/02/2012 12:56:37

Okay, thanks, I'll try it.

08/02/2012 11:11:17

Hello 🙋, To

activate your Long Sight Binocular Bonus, click on the long sight binoculars appearing at the top right of your grid. Then click on 5 boxes of your choice to Have a Look what they contain.

Good luck!

The Web'.

07/02/2012 09:44:29

And how do we use it? 🎤

08/08/2011 10:27:27

Thank you for your answer. Have a
good day.

07/08/2011 14:25:03


To see the contents of 5 boxes.

A word of advice: for each game, there is a rule of the game that you can consult (it doesn't interrupt the Round). In general, bonuses are explained there.

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