Player bijoux2011 posted a message on 05/09 03:39 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: MadPoints. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  MadPoints
05/09/2012 03:39:29

Good evening, I don't understand I see downstairs on the right a lot of people winning at 2000 madpoint, while I'm doing a Round of it and I'm making max 100 how come?

18/03/2013 14:59:56

hello on MadLotto many interesting prizes, but never Winners with 6 numbers as on other lotteries ,it pains me a little .greetings

17/12/2012 20:44:55

thanks webmaster the problem has been fixed thanks to your speed to answer πŸ˜‚πŸ™y):

17/12/2012 12:42:24

πŸ™‹ Hello! I invite

you to contact customer service who can check your account

Good games!

17/12/2012 02:02:03

I had 5547 madpoints and today I only have 1210 madpoints?
what's the problem??πŸ™πŸ˜’

26/09/2012 10:58:02

Hello feronerie,

the x2 credits is not valid for exchanges but only if you reload your account via the different modes that are offered to you in the section "Purchasing credits".

Have a good time on our website πŸ˜‰

24/09/2012 17:18:39

Hello, I would like to know if I buy credits with my madpoints, if I have the right to double the points of the games??? MerciπŸ™‹

18/09/2012 09:59:24

Hello πŸ™‹,

The MadPoints you accumulate allow you to:

- to order a prize that you like in the Prize Shop
- to participate in the Sweepstakes or in other games such as challenges or scratch games
- to obtain Credits by exchanging them and thus have access to paying games.

Good games!

The Web'

16/09/2012 23:51:15

Hello, actually I wanted to know what exactly are madpoints used for?

05/09/2012 14:50:08

on the challenges, it depends on the bet
on the Rounds challenges, we have 200 points for the 1st, 100 for the second
on the 1000 points challenges, only the 1st one wins 2000 points

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