Player chakibounette posted a message on 16/11 11:26 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: Poetry on tolerance. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players
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Each face is a miracle A black child, with black skin, black eyes, frizzy or curly hair, is a child. A white child, with pink skin, blue or green eyes, blond or straight hair is a child. Both, black and white, have the same smile when one hand caresses their face, when they are looked at with love and spoken to with tenderness. They will shed the same tears if they are upset, if they are hurt. No two faces are absolutely identical. Every face is a miracle. Because it is unique. Two faces can look alike, they will never be exactly the same. Life is precisely this miracle, this permanent and changing movement that never reproduces the same face. Living together is an adventure where love, friendship is a beautiful encounter with what is not me, with what is always different from me and which leads to enrichment. Tahar Ben Jelloun