Player lalili59 posted a message on 02/02 07:56 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: BRAVO .... COUPE 84. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players
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😃BravoCongrats for your second place in the 84th Cup! Glad for you The USB condom key is fun... Moreover 8GO is not negligible to store! Enjoy your win!! 🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸
well 2 nd tries hoping that it passes, yesterday nothing happened on the forum?
Hello betty and thank you for everything you did to help me there parvenir🙂, in fact only one message came yesterday, that of my support to mustelide, I will support it all week, it's true the USB flash drive is quite funny, I'll have MADBAR engraved on it and manage to Confirm you Confirm link so that you can all voir😎 I will dare to take advantage of this post that you have created to reiterate my thanks indeed I have skinned one or two pseudo, I will correct this, and so my friends will be able to see it without searching on the depths of the muro. Thanks again to you 🙂👏👏👏
Thanks to baba20,lalili59,vicky92,poulga,poulga,catbleue,xanado,franpa,barjabulle4,milpat64,groseille3333,lea1995,jessydu50,aubadinet,padmée64,worminfruit,feronerie,maglorlelfe,cmdtpb,cyrus86,akyzum,lanath55,silvasae,christalys,artane,miricic,henriette64,half,mado38,efgj,samp2b,pinous78,lililelfe,mamie2005,mimy51,trinity55,jmg27,petasse63300,loiretcher,zigue13,humblepie17,dyxy,42mag,djou291,tintindu99,delphis64,lorrigane,gentille101,sherpa95,sikor1981,benben24,camilleclelence,alienor34. I think I haven't forgotten anyone and if that's the case don't hold it against me, thanks also to all the anonymous people, in fact 1688 clicks. Your support and friendship touched me, I would do anything to support you when the time comes, I win a "condom flash drive" I find it rather funny, and I will keep it and maybe engrave MADBAR on it ;-) Another BIG THANK YOU to all and have a good one journée🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🌹 thank you lalili
thank you for this post on the lalili forum, I prefer betty me, you have been very kind to me by supporting me all along this cup, this victory is also a little bit yours. I will take this opportunity to reiterate the message I put on the muro
I arrived 2nd of the buzz cup and this thanks to you, I want to keep my promise and therefore, thanks to baba20,lalili59,vicky92,poulga,poulga,chatbleue,xanado,franpa,barjabulle4,milpat64,grog3333,lea1995,jessydu50,aubadinet,padmée64,worminfruit,feronerie,maglorlelfe,cmdtpb,cyrus86,akyzum,lanath55,silvasae,christalys,artane,miricic,henriette64,lamoitié,mado38,efgj,samp2b,pinous78,lililelfe,mamie2005,mimy51,trinité55,jmg27,petasse63300,loiretcher,zigue13,humblepie17,dyxy,42mag,djou291,tintindu99,delphis64,lamorrigane,gentille101,sherpa95,sikor1981,benben24cmilleclelence,alienor34. I think I haven't forgotten anyone and if that's the case don't hold it against me, thanks also to all the anonymous people, in fact 1688 clicks. Your support and friendship touched me, I would do anything to support you when the time comes, I win a "condom flash drive" I find it rather funny, and I will keep it and maybe engrave MADBAR on it ;-) Once again a BIG THANK YOU all and have a nice day
I don't know how the draw is made but in the 85 of the players already in the 80 while I haven't been drawn at random since the 72nd good luck to those who are racing